Startlogic Web Hosting Review
Startlogic Affordable Web Hosting

I’ve used a lot of different web hosts over the number of years that I’ve been online with my various websites. In this Startlogic web hosting review I will talk about their web features and hosting offerings.
There are many different affordable web hosts online. There are also some web hosts that are not so affordable and those that offer minimal features or bonuses, if any at all.
When it comes to choosing a web host, you want to check a variety of different features. If you are looking for there are a variety of different pricing plans available and not all web hosts are created equally in my opinion.
In this web hosting review I am going to talk about affordable web hosting from Startlogic. Startlogic web hosting offers affordable hosting for your online store, business website, blog or WordPress website.
Some of the features of are exceptional up time for your web hosting which means that you don’t have to worry about many issues when it comes to your website being and operating efficiently online.
Currently you can get web hosting at Startlogic for as little as little as $2.75 a month starting with their basic plan. Keep in mind that the $2.75 monthly plan is a promotional web hosting plan that lasts for the first year. The web hosting price then increases to $9.98 a month approximately when you sign up for a 12 month plan.
Some of the features of a Startlogic hosting basic plan for $2.75 a month are as follows.
Startlogic Hosting Features:
- Unlimited domain hosting.
- Unlimited storage space.
- Unmetered bandwidth.
- Unlimited MySQL databases.
Free Domain Name:
Startlogic hosting currently offers one free domain name per web hosting plan. Not having to worry about purchasing a domain name with your webhost or through a third party domain registrar saves you some upfront cost and hassle.
FREE Drag & Drop Website Builder
Startlogic also currently offers a free drag and drop website builder which can help newbies to create their own website layout and design. Just be warned that there is a bit of a learning curve with website builders.
24×7 Network Monitoring +
Startlogic offers 24/7 network monitoring, Web hosting control panel for ease-of-use for new users as well as Site traffic performance and visitor statistics on their high performance load-balanced server platforms.
Free Advertising Credits:
One of the things that I like to look for when I’m getting an affordable web host is that they offer free credits for advertising on different platforms be at Facebook Google or Bing.
Now not all web hosts offer free advertising credits, so that is one of the things that I do like about startlogic web hosting as well.
They offer $200 of free advertising with Google and Bing when you create a new web hosting account with them on their hosting platform for your web site.
$100 Google Adwords advertising credit

$100 advertising credit for Bing/Yahoo paid advertising.

Free Sitelock Security Tools

*Just be sure that when you sign up for web hosting that you understand that any free advertising credit that they offer on Google or Bing Yahoo is that you do not already have an advertising account on Google AdWords or on Bing/Yahoo advertising platforms.
If you already have used Google AdWords or Bing you will not be able to use these credits under that particular account because you are already a paid Advertiser.
Usually you have to be a new account holder to use the credits that you received from a web host on Google or Bing. So just keep that in mind.
Startlogic Customer Support:
When you are looking for affordable web hosting it is important that they also have good customer service just in case you need to contact them regarding a problem with your web hosting or with your website or some other issue that you may require assistance with.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee +
Startlogic website hosting Offers 30-day money-back guarantee on your web hosting. Startlogic also offers extensive online help as well as online step by step tutorials and video tutorials To help make your setup and your web experience easy.
also offers 24/7 phone support email support and chat support for you with any issues that you may encounter with your website or with your web hosting.
Email Services:
Startlogic web hosting offers free email addresses, Webmail for checking your email online, email forwarding and autoresponders for your email. email use through startlogic web hosting also consists of virus checking and customizable spam checkers.
Free Online Store & Payment Integration:
Startlogic web hosting also offers a free online store option with your choice of shopping cart and Paypal payment integration to enable you to be able to sell products or ecommerce style products. Your free online store is mobile optimized and includes social media integration.
Personal Experience with Startlogic Hosting
With regards to this startlogic hosting review I personally feel that startlogic web hosting is a good choice especially with their promo offer for the first year.
Startlogic has always worked for my website well and I have not encountered any performance type issues the web hosting was always working efficiently and with little to no issues.
Startlogic web hosting was always quick to respond to any support issues or questions that I met have had with regards to my web hosting or a website issue but I may have encountered.
In my opinion the $200 advertising credit for new users to advertising platforms such as Google and Bing makes the hosting valuable just by itself.
Startlogic hosting also provides a free domain name which also makes this an exceptional offer for affordable web hosting.
The only thing to keep in mind is the promo only lasts for one year at that time the rate increases to the regular monthly rate.
If you decide to renew your web hosting with Startlogic after your one year promo. Then you want to keep in mind that you are always going to get a better rate by paying per year as opposed to paying per month.
If you pay per month with many web hosts then you’re going to pay more per month than you are if you just pay a full yearly amount.
So for this Startlogic review I would say that this is exceptional web hosting for newbies who want good performing website hosting at a reasonable price.
It is also good hosting because you get the free domain name you get the low promo pricing and you can host as many domains or websites as you want with unlimited storage and un-metered bandwidth.
So why not give Startlogic hosting a try, I’m sure that you’ll find that it provides exceptional, affordable web hosting that really benefits your website’s performance online.
today and give them a try at least for the first year at that exceptional rate.
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