How to Rank Videos on Youtube

Many newer online marketers today wonder “How to Rank Videos on Youtube?” It’s something that many of us want to do and do better in order to make more money. Rank videos and make money, or get more leads from our video ranking results or get paid by clients for ranking their videos online.
Youtube is a massive opportunity for everyone and anyone looking to potentially build an audience of followers. The desire is to get lots of video views, build your channel and gain subscribers that will continue to watch your videos as you create them and put them on Youtube.
Videos that rank well can often show in the search results for Google as well. This makes sense since Google owns Youtube and they are going to favor relevant videos on Youtube in their search results.
This helps Google continue to provide the best content they have available to their visitors from both platforms.
So, How do you rank your videos higher on Youtube? Those who desire to make their money from video marketing through affiliate offers, lead generation, ranking videos for local businesses etc. all want to know how to get better video rankings on Youtube. We provide some basic video ranking tips for you in the article below.
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Ranking Videos Higher on Youtube:
Ranking videos on Youtube all begins with finding lower competition, easy to rank for search terms that people are searching for. Sure, you can rank for higher competition search terms, but it will take a bit more effort in many cases-but it is totally possible. It really just depends on your chosen search term.
Youtube Autosuggest to Find Keywords
Use Youtube’s autosuggest feature. What is autosuggest you ask? Most major platforms like Google, Amazon, Youtube etc have an autosuggest feature where you start typing your search term, and it starts to drop down and show various search terms from its data records for searches that other people are searching for.
Typically the search suggestions that appear at the top of the list are searched for more the ones further down the list get less and less searches.
Use Longtail Keywords
Longtail keywords are keywords that people search for that include 4 words or more. This makes these keywords less competitive as a result since less people are typing in those many words for a search term. However, if you find longtail keywords in your list, it means people are searching for them.

Setting up your Videos for Higher Rankings
When you have the search phrase or keywords you plan to target for your video, then you are going to want to use it to name your video file when you upload it to Youtube. So, when the video has been saved, change the name, or rename the video file to your keyword.
Video Titles & Descriptions to Rank
With your same target keyword or search phrase in mind, add an instance of it in your video title and add it once or twice in your video description and variations of that keyword or phrases that are similar.
You DO NOT want to keyword stuff but add the search phrases naturally through your video description only a few times depending on the length.
Video Ranking Tags for Higher Rankings
Video tags are very important when learning how to RANK higher in Youtube. Use tags that apply to your video content, use your target keyword and variations of video tags to help your video rank higher on Youtube.
If you know the proper Tags to use to improve your rankings then you are GOLDEN. This is why you want to be sure to have variations of your keywords and similar related keywords in your video description. You then, need to have the same or similar tags.
Use Video Ranking Tools & Programs
There are a few Video ranking programs and tools out there that can be used when learning how to rank videos on Youtube or to help rank videos higher online.
TubeBuddy Video Ranking App:
TubeBuddy, provides a variety of different data from Youtube to help you gain insight into video Tags to use.
It also provides a Keyword Explorer to help you find keywords and Trending searches, Best Tags and many other bits of data to help you rank your videos and get more Traffic. More Traffic means more Money!

You can get all this data to Learn how to rank your videos from TubeBuddy.
Sign up with a Free Account or pick a payment option for a paid plan that provides you with all sorts of video data to get your video ranking on Youtube and earning you more money!
Get Video Rankings within 24 hrs Or Less
If you are looking to find untapped niches on Youtube, you are going to need some help. Youtube has a lot of videos hosted on their platform all ranking for different keywords with various levels of competition.
You want to wade through all the competition and find those open niches, or those niches with little to low competition. Even if you are going for more competitive terms you are going to want to know what your competition is doing to get the rankings they are!
MyVideoSpy provides search phrases and keywords with search volume. It provides analysis of your competitors videos, your competitors video tags, rankings and so much more!
If you are involved in video marketing online, you want this MyVideoSpy software to give you the unfair advantage of being able to SPY and Rank your videos-FAST!
You can see our MyVideoSpy Review on this website, or Grab Your Copy of MyVideoSpy
MyVideoSpy also offers $700+ of BONUSES when you purchase & 30 Day Double Money Back Guarantee if it doesn’t work for you!

If you want to Learn How to Rank your Videos on Youtube and online in order to make money, generate leads, build your email list or rank videos for paying clients-then you need a video ranking software to help you out!